Enrollment Agreement

    Starting Date:

    Course Ends:

    Membership information



    Down Payment:

    Remaining Balance:

    The undersigned promises to pay a monthly amount of $ starting and all subsequent installment on the same day of each consecutive until paid in full.

    Payment Authorization

    I Authorize Champion's Training Center to deduct from my credit card/bank account reflecting upon the information stated in the membership information

    Credit Card

    Credit Card Type:

    Credit Card #:

    Expiration Date:

    Zip code:

    Holder Name:


    Bank Routing Number:

    Bank Account Number:

    Expiration Date:

    Security code:

    Holder Name:

    Contact info

    Students Name:




    Deposits and down payments are non-refoundable.



    If you wish to cancel this contract, you may cancel by mailing or hand delivering a written notice by certified or registered main to the school. The notice must say that you do not wish to be bound by this contract and must be deliver or mailed before midnight of the third business day after you sign this contract. The notice must be delivered or mailed to: ctofsavannah@gmail.com

    you may cancel this contract if you relocate your residence further than 25 miles from any school operated by Company Name. This contract may also be cancelled in a case of death, or if the school ceases operation at the location where you entered into this contract. if you become disabled, you shall have the option of (1) being relieved of liability for payment on that portion of the contract term for which you are disabled by paying a cancellation fee for an amount equal to the duration of the disability. You must prove such disability by a doctor's certificate, wich shall be enclosed with the written notice of disability send to the school

    • Any payments not received within two weeks (14 days) of above collection date will result in a $25 Late Fee, which may be drawn automatically if applicable. An extended delay of tuition payment may result in further collection procedures and/or legal action.

    • if a check is returned check there will be a $30 Non-Sufficient Funds Fee added on.

    Champion's Training Center reserve the right to alter the days and/or hours of operation, the curriculum and the amount of classes you're entitled, if deemed necessart. Champion's Training Center does not guarantee that you wull reach a centain level of competence within any specific time frame and that students' obtaining a centain defined level of competence may be either delayed or accelerated due to changes in the crriculum or as deemed nessesary by Champion's Training Center. The student and co-signer agree unconditionally to pay the above tuition without regard to the attendance made or classes missed, until paid in full

    Release and Waiver of Liability



    Parent or Co-signer: